Cloud Computing

STi has actively assisted Federal customers in complying with ‘cloud-first’ policies since they were implemented. We offer the following cloud computing services:

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Our expertise in SOA coupled with our security credentials allows STi to exponentially increase the value of SaaS offerings (Google Apps, Salesforce, Amazon Web Services) by migrating and integrating them with mission critical systems.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

STi has embraced PaaS frameworks such as Amazon Web Services, the Google App Engine,, Azure, Heroku, and VMWare’s Cloud Foundry to quickly develop solutions.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Although IaaS offerings are a compelling environment to replicate traditional data-center architectures, there are many special considerations that apply to public, private, and hybrid clouds. STi provides the necessary expertise for our clients to be able to leverage IaaS offerings in the most effective and secure manner possible.


Cloud Migration

In addition to design and implementation, STi offers Cloud Migration Services that allow our clients to migrate systems or functionality into the cloud with security and reliability. Our operations and maintenance group can ensure that any functionality deployed in the cloud is operating at long-term, peak-performance levels.  Our use of cloud infrastructure for rapid deployment of development, testing, and training environments enables our team to move forward while our customer’s infrastructure remains in place.